webeyeCMS Release Notes

webeyeCMS Platform

Latest Release: v4.2.5 - 27th March 2025
Below you will find a list of features added in recent versions of webeyeCMS. For more information, please contact us via this support portal 


4.2.5 Feature and Bugfix Release

Release Date: 27th March 2025


  1. Dahua Airshield



  1. Fixed a bug which caused the connection details text to be incorrect when using Dahua devices.
  2. Fixed a bug which caused a required field to be missing when creating WEM users.
  3. Fixed a bug which caused some reporting graphs to not display data correctly
  4. Fixed a bug which caused graph times to be 1 hour out, which in turn prevented the time-zones from converting correctly.
  5. Fixed a bug which caused an incorrect message to appear when disarming certain systems.
  6. Fixed a bug which prevented moved sites from clearing previous webeyeCONNECT connections.
  7. Fixed a bug which incorrectly hid the `Video Analysis Method` field from the `View Device` section for AJAX devices.

4.2.4 Feature Release

Release Date: 22nd January 2025


  1. Added new audits feature to group level.
  2. Added the ability to adjust a specific users preferred alarm tone for the mobile app.
  3. Improved audit logging within device LiveLink.
  4. Removed old "Avigilon" device type from device lists.

4.2.3 Bugfix Release

Release Date: 26th September 2024


  1. Fixed a bug with site names which contained a tabbed space, which prevented alarms from being received correctly.
  2. Other backend quality of life improvements relating to user management and platform performance.

4.2.2 Bugfix Release

Release Date: 20th June 2024


  1. Resolved an issue with alarms not displaying in the alarm list for sites with special characters within the name
  2. Trackers with phone numbers outside of the UK can now be added to the configure page
  3. Resolved an issue where reporting data was not showing for selected periods
  4. Actions within the site LiveLink interface are now audited against the device correctly
  5. The correct message is now displayed when using the reverse commands within the alarm interface
  6. Backend performance enhancements

4.2.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 25th April 2024


  1. M2M Communicator


  1. Connection loader icon moved to the location of the action within the alarm page
  2. "Alarm closed by" now populated correctly on the Alarm history and alarm report pages
  3. Removed subscribe button within the site interface for users without the subscription management permission (previously the button was displayed but would not work due to permission)
  4. Resolved scrolling issue within Device reports when filter drop downs were open
  5. Time added alongside date on the group level dashboard/report
  6. Fixed auditing for webeyeCONNECT users when handling alarms via the connection token


v4.1.1 Bugfix Release

Release Date: 13th March 2024


  1. Alertex - Fixed an issue which incorrectly showed `Username` and `Password` fields under the device configuration
  2. Alertex - Fixed an issue where the SMTP information could be edited under the device configuration
  3. Alertex - Fixed an issue which prevented the `Web Config URL` field to not populate correctly.
  4. Fixed an issue with Generic Device types which prevented users from saving device schedules on the platform

v4.1.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 29th February 2024


  1. Generic Reciever
    1. Luminite Alertex


  1. Improved filtering options for device level reporting
  2. Improved auditing functionality when accessing Vigileyez configuration
  3. Improved and fine tuned the VOD functionality for Vigileyez devices


  1. Fixed an issue on device cards which displayed the `Configuration` cog icon incorrectly for Videofied device types
  2. Fixed an issue which caused table headers to overlap opened videos within the `Video Signals` report
  3. Correctly removed the scheduling function within the platform for Vigileyez devices (Configurable only via the device itself)
  4. Fixed a naming mismatch issue within the `Device Menu` (`Device Details` changed to `View Device` to match)


v4.0.1 Hotfix Release

Release Date: 18th January 2024
  1. Fixed a bug which caused some site level reports to hang and not load correctly
  2. Fixed a bug which caused an error to occur when activating a Vigileyez annunciator via the site LiveLink page

v4.0 Vigileyez Feature Release

Release Date: 16th January 2024


  1. Vigileyez product support/features - Webeye's own exciting wireless intruder alarm system


  1. Added improvements to the WebeyeGO page for battery saving
  2. Added Calipsa AI functionality to AJAX devices
  3. Added improvements to the "Signal Strength" report
  4. Added improvements to the "All Signals" device report for better peripheral identification
  5. Added improvements to the filtering functionality for multiple report types (Ability to filter by hours, days, weeks, or months, with a single click)
  6. Added improvements to the "Drag to zoom" functionality within reporting


  1. Fixed an issue where the default minimum channel limit values for the Generic Device Type were not correct
  2. Fixed an issue where an extra space would appear after a Site Name during creation/editing, causing formatting issues



v3.9.1 Hotfix Release

Release Date: 21st December 2023
  1. Alarm history report has now been updated to include user/site correct time zones
  2. Fixed an issue where some group level reports would not load

v3.9.0 QoL Release

Release Date: 18th December 2023
Quality of Life Improvements
  1. All reports that include a date/time will now display in the site and user time zone (instead of being displayed in UTC)
  1. Fixed a bug where clicking Update on the date picker would cause the whole report not to load


v3.8.1 Hotfix Release

Release Date: 4th October 2023
  1. Resolved an issue where moving a device between sites would fail
  2. Device status banner on site view now hidden for users without reporting permissions
  3. Fixed alarm view issues for sites that contained an apostrophe " ' " within the site name

v3.8.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 3rd October 2023
  1. Generic Receiver
    1. Uniview (SMTP and RTSP)
    2. Reolink (SMTP, RTSP for select cameras only)
    3. Partizan (SMTP and RTSP)
  1. Site LiveLink - allows a user to LiveLink all devices within a site, rather than going to each individual device
  2. Enable 5MP Resolution Mode for OCULi HD Devices
  3. Added new icons for skipping to the first or last page within the 'Alarm Signals' section of an alarm
  4. Added Keyholder and Site Details buttons within LiveLink interfaces
  5. Show Firmware versions on the Devices on Site page where applicable
  6. Display battery and signal strength icons for applicable devices on the alarm and LiveLink interfaces (quick access to relevant report on click)
  7. Configurable APN's for trackers within the webeyeGO Device type
  8. Added Mute Site and Mute Device icons within alarm interface
  9. Added Mute Site icon to alarm list page
  10. Status bar added to the top of Site Details and Devices on Site pages displaying any issues with devices within selected site
  11. Additional fields added to a device page to store extra information (including 2 SIM fields, Customer Comments, Webeye comments (only editable by Webeye staff)
  12. New device type for Router added - allow to store information regarding the router on a site (further integrations coming in the future)
  1. Dahua SMTP - 'Send Settings to Device' button now automcatically attempts to connect to the device if it is not already connected
  2. Fixed an issue where line breaks within a site's handling instructions were not applying on the Site Details section within an open alarm
  3. Remove DVR from the list of device types (this is only for Videopark devices, DOES NOT include other manufacturers)
  4. Removed unused/unnecessary options within the Configure page for OCULi HD device types
  5. Fixed visual bugs for PTZ control and Audio interface pop-outs
  6. Labels updated on alarm and LiveLink pages for some commands (such as Audio request, LiveLink)
  7. Move connecting GIF to the same area where a button is pressed instead of always loading in the middle
  8. Moved errors on the PTZ control pop-out window
  9. Updated icons for SOS signals
  10. Fixed display issues for linked videos outside of the webeyeCMS platform
  11. Resolved Time Zone issues for OCULi HD devices
  12. Editing a device will no longer automatically disable it if a connection is not made


v3.7.1 Hotfix Release

Release Date: 4th August 2023
  1. Fixed a bug where read-only schedule's weren't matching the device configuration under `Site Details` on alarms.
  2. Fixed a bug relating to WebeyeGO battery saving.

v3.7.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 3rd August 2023
  1. Artifeel CheckIn - Support added for Artifeel CheckIn devices within WebeyeCMS.
  2. what3words - W3W location services integrated into site and alarm interfaces
  1. Adjusted the `Date Picker` tool on reporting to orientate horizontally instead of vertically to save space.
  2. Added user and site time-zone information to device audits for easier understanding.
  3. Added ability to `Mute` channels for all device types, allowing for more detailed device control.
  4. Added a time limit feature when live streaming to a device, which will automatically pause the stream after 2 minutes if not `Resumed` within the specific time period stated.
  5. Added the device serial number to the title when viewing the device configuration page.
  6. Added `Signal Strength` report for EZVIZ devices.
  7. Added `Device on Site` link to the sidebar within the device reports menu.
  8. Added read-only notes for device schedules within the `Site Details` button inside of alarms.
  9. Added timestamp data into battery graphs within device reporting.
  10. Improved the `Device Connection` status page within the device LiveLink configuration.
  11. Added transparent `Placeholder` logos within the alarm list for sites without images being used.
  12. Added the `Subscribe` function to the site menu.
  13. Improved video viewing functionality by allowing OCULi HD videos to be viewed at 3% rather than 20% download.
  14. Updated the naming format of the `Device Reporting Dashboard` for easier understanding.
  15. Updated the naming format of `Devices on Site` within the site menu for easier understanding.
  16. Enabled the `Walk Test` function within the `Power Saving Mode` drop down for OCULi HD devices on the device configuration page.
  17. Added `Battery Percentage` reporting, `Signal Strength` reporting, and Configuration shortcut icons to the device widget.
  18. Added new `Reporting Dashboard` icons to the site widget.
  19. Added new `Reporting Dashboard` icons to the device widget.
  1. Fixed a bug where sometimes a device would stay handled by a user who is currently not logged into the platform.
  2. Fixed a bug with reporting data graphs where the first item of data would be missing.
  3. Fixed a bug with `Connection Lost/Last Service Check` time not syncing correctly upon connection loss.
  4. Fixed a bug where no error message would be displayed when attempting to create a duplicate webeyeCONNECT user.
  5. Fixed a bug within an alarm when viewing multiple videos where full-screen mode would open the first video only.
  6. Fixed a bug when creating a site ensuring apostrophes can be used in site names.
  7. Fixed a bug which caused symbols and icons across the platform to not display correctly.
  8. Fixed a bug with the device cards on sites which incorrectly displayed the `Configuration` button on non-configurable device types.
  9. Fixed a bug with the device cards which incorrectly displayed the `?` icons for `Battery` and `Signal` monitoring on incompatible device types.
  10. Fixed a bug on the LiveLink page which would occasionally cause the camera challenge option interface to not align correctly.
  11. Fixed a bug within alarms which caused the `2 in view` viewing option to not appear.
  12. Fixed a bug with the `Alarm Response Time` site report which cause data to load slow or not at all.
  13. Fixed a bug which caused the `Close video` button to not appear when viewing videos through reporting.
  14. Fixed a bug which caused the `Signal Poll Failure` test date to not default to the current day when setting.
  15. Fixed a bug which caused the `Battery Reporting` icon on the device widget to break when hitting 0%.
  16. Fixed a bug which caused additional non supported challenge functions to show on the LiveLink interface when connected to a Videofied panel.


v3.6.8 Feature Release

Release Date: 28th June 2023
  1. Support added for Reconeyez devices within webeyeCMS (Read More)
  2. Reporting Updates
    1. Added Alarm Response Time report (Group/Site reporting)
    2. Added Tamper Alarms report (Group/Site reporting)
    3. Added the ability to view videos from the Video Signals report, previously you could only download them (Device reporting)
  1. Zoom issue in full screen fixed when viewing videos/LiveLink

v3.6.6 Hotfix Release

Release Date: 3rd May 2022
  1. Improvements made to auditing for webeyeGO devices.
  2. Fixed a bug which caused retry attempts to not correctly reset upon device configuration changes.
  3. Improved the battery saving resume function to now continue with current event instead of waiting for next event.

v3.6.5 Patch Release

Release Date: 26th April 2022
  1. Update to device scheduling for webeyeGO devices - Battery saver function will now enable/disable using the devices set schedule.

v3.6.4 Patch Release

Release Date: 31st March 2022
  1. Rework to the device muting functionality - Signals received whilst a device is muted will no longer be processed by the platform and are disregarded.

v3.6.2 Feature Release

Release Date: 17th August 2021
  1. Added ability to `Pause/Resume` videos by clicking anywhere on the video itself.
  2. Added ability to `Full screen` videos by double clicking anywhere on the video itself.

v3.6.1 Hotfix Release

Release Date: 13th August 2021
  1. Fixed an issue where signals were showing blank within the `Other` tab after closing an alarm.

v3.6 Feature and Bugfix Release

Release Date: 12th August 2021
  1. Support added for customer/group logos, visible on the alarm list and alarm interface.
  2. New video player added with zoom and pan functionality.
  3. Unique signal type icons now visible within `Alarm List` and `Alarms`.
  4. Support added for EZVIZ PT (Pan/Tilt) controls.
  1. Fixed an issue where alarm output activation/deactivation was not working via Alarms and LiveLink
  2. Fixed an issue where certain configuration adjustments weren't auditing correctly on EZVIZ devices.
  3. Fixed an issue where certain hierarchy icons weren't visible when using dark modes.
  4. Fixed an intermittent issue where devices were still generating alarms after being muted.
  5. Fixed an issue where the `View All Devices` function within alarms would only show/hide devices once.


v3.5.3 Feature and Bugfix Release

Release Date: 10th June 2021
  1. UI enhancement and support for 'Siren' and 'Strobe' features (Dahua).
  2. User profile field adjustment/removals ('Default alarm list type' removal and 'Alarm list notification type' browser availability only).
  3. Added search functionality for 'SMS number' and 'IMEI' on WebeyeGO GPS trackers within Webeye.
  4. Generate arm/disarm alarms for WebeyeGO devices.
  5. Site exclusion from invalidated alarm list functionality.
  1. Keyholders now show when sending snapshots via LiveLink.
  2. Alarm audio now repeats correctly within the alarm list for WEM/SAM alarms, when using a repeat notification type.
  3. RSI Videofied 'Request Call' feature no longer clears phone number on polls.
  4. Restrict the 'Connect device' feature within an alarm for devices that support LiveLink only.
  5. 'Siren' commands now audited separately from 'Strobe' commands.
  6. 'Two Way Audio' connections are now being audited correctly.
  7. User-friendly error when adding a new user which already exists on the platform.

v3.5.2 Bugfix Release

Release Date: 12th May 2021
  1. Added 'View all devices' function for devices within open alarms.
  2. Fix for Calipsa verification, manual operator feedback was not correctly altering alarms to the correct tab within Alarm List (Validated/invalidated).
  3. Fixed serial database check for EZVIZ and webeyeGO devices.
  4. Fix for SMS requests (WebeyeGO).

v3.5.1 Feature and Bugfix Release

Release Date: 5th May 2021
  1. Support added for WebeyeGO devices within Webeye, containing the following:
    1. 'Add GPS tracker' and 'Delete GPS tracker' functions within device configuration (Queclink)
    2. GPS tracking option for WebeyeGO devices, including frequency adjustment.
    3. Tracker movement alarm functionality, including duration and frequency adjustment.
    4. Battery box support for WebeyeGO devices
    5. Battery-saving support for WebeyeGO devices, including arming/disarming schedule adjustment.
    6. Battery charge monitoring support, including frequency and time/date adjustment.
    7. Low battery alarm support, with threshold adjustment.
  2. Support added for EZVIZ devices within IP Camera device type, containing the following:
    1. Only supports EZVIZ C3A at the moment, further cameras will be supported in the future
    2. WiFi signal strength, wifi SSID, drive state, firmware version, and battery percentage monitoring for EZVIZ cameras within the device config page.
    3. Timezone setting dropdown for EZVIZ devices within the device config page.
    4. Motion detect adjustment slider for EZVIZ devices within the device config page.
    5. Disk formatting function for EZVIZ devices within the device config page.
    6. Firmware update function for EZVIZ devices within the device config page.
    7. Alarm sound adjustment settings for EZVIZ devices within the device config page. (Beep, siren, or mute)
    8. Arm state monitoring for EZVIZ devices within the device config page.
  3. webeyeGO EZVIZ app support for iOS and Android (Apple and Google Play Store)
  4. New permission added for removing the 'Invalidated Alarms' queue from none Administrator users
  1. Fixed an issue where channels 1 and 2 were appearing as an option on the configuration for Dahua and Hik NVR's. These channels now only appear on IP cameras only.
  2. Resolved audio spam for WEM alarm types

v3.5.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 17th March 2021
  1. Calipsa Enhanced (Alarm Videos will carry on being sent to Calipsa after even after a video has been marked as Verified)
  2. ‘Quick View’ alarms from the Alarm List
  3. Invalidated alarm auto closure (May link into Calipsa enhanced and the Alarm list revamp)
  4. Verified Only filter within Alarm videos
  5. Alarm list 'Enhanced video tabs' (Priority and Invalidated queues)
  6. Alarm signal list pagination improvements
  7. Dahua Strobe and Siren/Pre-recorded message support (Dahua TIOC only)
  8. PTZ and audio control livelink pop-out fix
  9. New 'mouseover' text for livelink Play/pause, HD/SD buttons
  10. New live stream 'Pause' icon
  11. Browser lockout feature removal
  12. Updated online user information (Internal)
  13. Oculi Day/Night threshold adjustment (Within device config)



Release Date: 14th January 2021
  1. Bugfix for moving a site to a subgroup
  2. The site in alarm indicator within manage will now link to the alarm
  3. webeyeCONNECT support
  4. Automatic alarm closure support for webeyeCONNECT sites

v3.4.1 Bugfix and Performance Release

Release Date: 19th October 2020
  1. Bugfix for the platform status indicator showing online incorrectly
  2. Added specific device image for Dahua NVR/DVR device types
  3. Added warning while using IE11
  4. Bugfix for PTZ controls calling the wrong preset
  5. Bugfix for disabling PTZ and Audio on a per-channel basis
  6. Improved performance for alarm counts
  7. Improved performance for alarm lists
  8. Improved performance for alarm signals

v3.4.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 6th October 2020
  1. PTZ support for Dahua and Hikvision devices
  2. Support for standalone Hikvision and Dahua IP Cameras (Read More)
  3. Standalone device details page
  4. Addition of direct links to configure a device's schedule
  5. Moved snapshot, group logo and SOS audio storage to S3
  6. Added support for:
    1. Dahua IPC cameras
    2. Dahua Thermal cameras
    3. Some older firmware versions on Dahua NVRs.
  1. Live stream frame rate improvements on Dahua devices
  2. Faster page navigation within a group with a large number of sites
  1. Bugfix to keep video analysis settings upon device move
  2. Bugfix for character escaping
  3. Bugfix to disallow invalid site timezones
  4. Bugfix to disallow invalid arming schedules for Oculi devices
  5. Bugfix for changing a users default device


v3.3.6 Hotfix

Release Date: 1st October 2020
  1. Re-implement alphabetical ordering of sites with manage

v3.3.5 Bugfix and Performance Release

Release Date: 28th September 2020
  1. Improved loading times for large hierarchies
  2. Reports are now run on a secondary database (reduces load on the main database)
  3. Improved loading times for enabled and disabled device reports
  4. Device audits can now be accessed on archived sites
  5. Status indicator now reverts back to online once connection to webeyeCMS is restored
  6. Subscription search display issue fixed
  7. SMS fix for certain numbers

v3.3.4 Bugfix

Release Date: 23rd July 2020
  1. Fix for Calipsa feedback
  2. Fix for muting all devices on a site
  3. Fix for filtering the alarm closures report

v3.3.3 Bugfix

Release Date: 3rd July 2020
  1. Fix Signal count script

v3.3.2 Bugfix

Release Date: 3rd June 2020
  1. Performance improvements for Timeline
  2. Usability improvements for Timeline
  3. Added SOS functionality to Timeline
  4. Added Timeline functionality to closed alarms
  5. Users are no longer directed to reports when logging in
  6. Performance improvements when fetching alarm signals
  7. Fix for SOS signals not displaying when they have negative latitude or longitude
  8. Fix for SOS signals displaying null when no user is associated with the signal
  9. Fix for moved devices not displaying on sites

v3.3.1 Patch

Release Date: 15th May 2020
  1. Timeline
    1. Data fetch speed improvements
    2. Show alarm open and closure on Timeline
    3. Do not block alarm access while loading
    4. Improved data polling logic
    5. IE11 support

v3.3.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 12th May 2020
  1. Dahua NVR now integrated into webeyeCMS (Including Direct and P2P Connection types bringing live connection to cameras connected to NVR, toggle NVR/DVR Outputs, 2 Way Audio) (See setup guide here)
  2. Hikvision Alarm Outputs can be toggled for NVR's (Direct connection only) (See Video)
  3. Send SMTP details directly to NVR/DVR for Dahua (requires P2P or Direct Connection to be configured) (See Video)
  4. Send SMTP details directly to NVR/DVR for Hikvision (Requires direct connection to be set up) (See Video)
  5. Live streaming can now switch between sub-stream and main-stream (Applies to P2P and Direct connection) (Read More)
  6. Video viewing can now commence from 5% on Videofied systems and download percentages update more often (See Video)
  7. Timeline for signals in alarm added to alarm viewing and site interfaces (Read More)
  8. Effects can be applied to videos and live streams throughout the platform (Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, Invert) (See Video)
Visual and layout improvements
  1. New devices page when editing/viewing a device within a site (with available View option on each device to access this page) (See Video)
  2. Black theme added (See Video)
  3. Button name changes so options are consistent throughout (Eg, Update User, Update Site)
  4. Save Changes buttons now added to site/device changes for clarity
  5. Site Summary is now dockable (depending on resolution) (See Video)
  6. LiveLink now uses similar video viewing as the alarm interface (4 in View, pop-out, etc) (See Video)
  7. No connection code pop-up when LiveLinking to a device that does not require one
  1. Fixed scrolling issue when searching 'Groups' on the top left
  2. Fixed blurring issue where image behind is being offset
  3. Clear up unused scripts/classes throughout
  4. Upgraded backend emailer
  5. Updated Site-Database interfacing
  6. Alarm signals now use User set TimeZone
  7. Master commissioning group users can no longer downgrade their own Group Type
  8. Hikvision
    1. Fixed bug where the enhanced video was sometimes fetched from the wrong channel if combining IP and analogue cameras on a hybrid NVR. Only P2P was affected.
    2. Fixed bug where you could not simultaneously stream from multiple cameras on the same NVR/DVR (only P2P was affected)


v3.2.3 Bugfix

  1. Fixed issue where Calipsa no longer analyses video when the site is moved

v3.2.2 Patch

Release Date: 25th March 2020
  1. Improved email management

v3.2.1 Bugfix Release

Release Date: 31st January 2020
  1. Display issues on iOS
  2. Alarm data performance fix
  3. Search bar for mobile devices

v3.2.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 23rd January 2020
  1. Two-way audio - there is a new command "Audio Connect" for connected Hikvision devices (Read More)
  2. New top bar with enhanced management including:
    1. Quick search for Groups, Sites, Users (Video)
    2. Alarm list count on every page (polls every 5 seconds) and profile access/options with user logout (Video)
  3. Alarm tone options, choose a preferred alarm tone (Video)
  4. Archived sites have been revived - you can now archive sites again, an archived site is read-only (Video)
  5. Bulk management:
    1. Select sites using control-click, shift-click and dragging over, similar to how Windows works (Video)
    2. Move Sites (Video)
    3. Subscribe/Unsubscribe (Video)
    4. Archive/Unarchive (Video)
  6. To open a site summary you now need to double click on a site
  7. Clearer message showing you are not the current handler of an alarm 


v3.1.3 Bugfix and Performance Release

Release Date: 13th December 2019
  1. Device token is now visible on the user devices page
  2. Bug fix: Keyholders not showing in alarm history
  3. Performance upgrades for handling an alarm

v3.1.1 Bugfix Release

Release Date: 1st November 2019
  1. Menu pinning bug fix, menu could not be pinned if the user had pinned the menu before v3.1
  2. Snapshots save bug fix, editing a snapshot outside of an alarm and saving did not close the dialog and did not confirm saved
  3. InHome alarm list bug fix, the InHome view included periodic tests
  4. Alarm history row is now clickable
  5. Keyholders could not be viewed by normal users
  6. Alarm history could not be viewed by normal users
  7. Theme bug fix, reporting graphs did not follow the theme colours

v3.1.0 Feature Release

Release Date: 26th October 2019
  • Pill icon shows service check timestamp and link to status page
  • Different themes per profile (Light/Dark/High Contrast)
  • Navigational changes:
  • Breadcrumb changed location showing where you currently are in the hierarchy
  • Click to view user within subscriptions pages
  • Device management, all device management/options available from 3 dot menu at top right of a Device. Only status changing buttons visible below device
  • Smaller screen support (more support for mobile)
  • Alarm list now shows signal counters, Calipsa verification and handler padlock
  • Alarm Viewing changes:
  • Signals and live streams tabbed above viewing pane (Video)
  • 1, 4, 9 panes available for viewing mixable between alarm and live videos (Video)
  • Open current view as new window (Video)
  • Caption toggle (Video)
  • Expand to full screen
  • Snapshots allowing for easy editing (rectangle, text, blur and draw) (Read More)
  • Keyholders per site, accessible through alarms for ease of alarm handling for operators and to send snapshots directly to them (Read More)
  • Calipsa has now been enabled (Read More)
  • v3.0

    v3.0.5 - Minor Feature Release

    Release Date: 3rd October 2019
    1. Added Google Analytics event Tracking

    v3.0.4 - Minor Feature Release

    Release Date: 19th September 2019
    1. Added Google Analytics tracking
    2. Updated Coming soon details on login page

    v3.0.3 - Minor Feature Release

    Release Date: 15th July 2019
    1. Allow administrators of Master Commissioning Groups to suspend devices
    2. Added Device Commissioning group type
    3. Allow users of Master Commissioning and Commissioning groups to create further Device Commissioning and Commissioning groups

    v3.0.2 - Minor Feature Release

    Release Date: 29th May 2019
    1. Fixed issue with the Effective Commissions report ordering
    2. The visual alarm list notification is now removed when the alarm list becomes empty
    3. Hikvision alarm video configuration options

    v3.0.1 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 6th March 2019
    1. Fixed issue with slow site list loading within Manage
    2. Fixed issue with automatic scroll to opened group within Manage

    v3.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 4th March 2019
    1. Updated interface design with modern styling
    2. Direct connection support for Hikvision Recorders (see the setup guide)
    3. Support for Visonic devices using ContactID
    4. Improved webeyeRAPID LiveLink
    5. Device enumeration feature (read more)
    6. Enumeration muting feature (read more)
    7. OCULi signal strength and battery reports (read more)
    8. Site in alarm indicator on Manage
    9. Signal counts while viewing alarms
    10. New signal indicator while viewing alarms



    v2.10.10 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 29th November 2018
    • Fixed problem with idle user removal

    v2.10.9 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 15th November 2018
    • Hikvision NVR devices renamed to Hikvision NVR/DVR devices
    • Use P2P option for Hikvision NVR/DVR devices
    • Improved device updating for Hikvision NVR/DVR devices

    v2.10.8 - Minor Feature Release

    Release Date: 22nd October 2018
    • Support for Hikvision NVR devices

    v2.10.7 - Minor Feature Release

    Release Date: 27th September 2018
    • Specific partition arm state support for Videofied LiveLink
    • Further support for the latest In Home application
    • Support for user language selection (at this time only English is supported)
    • Switched to UTF8 encoding throughout the application

    v2.10.6 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 3rd July 2018
    • Push notification support for the new In Home application

    v2.10.5 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 21st June 2018
    • Push notification support for the new webeyeCMS application
    • Support for a new alarm delay report

    v2.10.4 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 24th April 2018
    • Changed back to the primary SMS provider, now that maintenance is complete

    v2.10.3 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 20th April 2018
    • Changed SMS provider while primary provider performs maintenance

    v2.10.2 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 10th April 2018
    • Improved messages when an error occurs during update or creation of sites
    • Improved performance when closing alarms in certain conditions
    • Improved performance for the notification alarm list under certain conditions
    • Site and alarm note timestamps are now displayed in the user's timezone

    v2.10.1 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 26th March 2018
    • Adds a new alarm closure status; Offsite Activation

    v2.10.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 22nd March 2018
    • Support for next generation webeyeCMS app for Android and iOS (coming soon)
    • Indicate that a site is in alarm when viewing the site manage pages
    • New Notification Alarm List ( read more )
    • Alarm delays (requires Notification Alarm List is enabled for your user)  ( read more )
    • Alarm deferrals (requires Notification Alarm List is enabled for your user)  ( read more )
    • Alarm closure statuses ( read more )
    • Alarm closure status report ( read more )
    • Alarm report updates, including filtering by alarm closure statuses ( read more )
    • Optionally do not generate an alarm for an arm event ( read more )
    • Optionally do not generate an alarm for a disarm event ( read more )
    • Add notes to site ( read more )
    • Add notes to alarm (also visible from the site) ( read more )
    • Record and display GPS accuracy on SOS/Track-Me events
    • Group/Site breadcrumb trail added to alarm view
    • All browsers now use HTML5 video


    v2.9.4 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 19th December 2017
    • Fixes an issue where new users are automatically subscribed to archived sites

    v2.9.3 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 19th December 2017
    • Fixes an issue where blocking a site that you don't already have a subscription for returns a connection error
    • List all site subscriptions for a user
    • Maintain subscriptions when a site is moved (where user still has permission)
    • Fixes issue with downloaded snapshots not being viewable in IN HOME on Android for some users
    • Removed option to archive a site (recommend move to another group instead)

    v2.9.2 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 8th December 2017
    • Fixes issue introduced in v2.9.0 where searches for partial terms failed
    • Improved alarm list performance
    • Site invitation emails disabled

    v2.9.1 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 7th December 2017
    • Fixes issue introduced in v2.9.0 where search results were not displayed in the correct order
    • Changing a user's default alarm type no longer resets site-specific alarm type overrides, meaning switching back restores all types as before

    v2.9.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 28th November 2017
    • Adds support for new OCULi power saving modes
    • Records and displays OCULi firmware and PIR board version numbers
    • Adds support for OCULi Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware updates
    • Invite users to monitor your site
    • New notification subscription management page
    • Alarm list powered by subscriptions, not automatically by hierarchy
    • User option to auto subscribe for all alarms in their hierarchy
    • Mute alarms from a specific device (signals are still processed and viewable in device reports)
    • Mute alarms from an entire site (signals are still processed and viewable in device reports)
    • Search results now ordered by relevance
    • Updated SOS PIN management


    v2.8.3 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 18th September 2017
    • Fixes an issue where the effective commission's report does not show results for devices that have been moved from a group that no longer exists

    v2.8.2 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 12th September 2017
    • Fixes an issue where OCULi scheduling fails when a day has no schedule set

    v2.8.1 - Bugfix Release

    Released 15th August 2017
    • Fixes an issue where a NULL customer reference causes the device edit page to fail to load

    v2.8.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 14th August 2017
    • Support for Luminite OCULi all-in-one PIR camera
    • Updated device creation/edit pages
    • New device advanced configuration pages
    • Site moves now show in effective commissions report
    • Better international timezone selection support
    • Custom group logo now displayed in the top left of webeye


    v2.7.1 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 26th June 2017
    • Fixes an issue causing high CPU on webeye web servers
    • DVR Receiver now rejects all connections from unknown and disabled devices

    v2.7.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 12th June 2017
    As of this release, we officially dropped support for Internet Explorer 10. Most of webeyeCMS will continue to work as before, but we will no longer be testing new features against this browser

    • Master Commissioning Group Reports provide additional data for organisation administrators
    • New reporting permissions, allowing administrators to control precisely which types of reports users have access to
    • Standard international timezone support allows ALL known timezones to be selected
    • Standard country support allows ALL known countries to be selected
    • Terms and Conditions require confirming if they have been updated since the original acceptance
    • Certain passwords are now forced to be changed upon log-in


    v2.6.3 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 4th May 2017
    • Corrects SOS audio link for IN HOME app
    • Latest signal now correctly updated on device disable/re-enable for IN HOME app
    • Logged in SOS user now provided for IN HOME app

    v2.6.2 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 4th April 2017
    • Fixes Javascript error when viewing closed Avigilon Control Center WEM alarms
    • IN HOME LiveLink request no longer requires permission to view alarms
    • Enabled saving WEM alarms

    v2.6.1 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 31st March 2017
    • Connect new device reports to their sites and devices
    • Reporting enabled on moved devices
    • IN HOME app can now extend SOS tracking times
    • Fixes an issue with incomplete video downloads in apps

    v2.6.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 22nd March 2017
    • Enabled disconnect for RAPID panels via new IN HOME app
    • Output enable/disable support for RAPID panels via new IN HOME app
    • Alarm closure notes now displayed in alarms report
    • New device usage reports


    v2.5.6 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 8th February 2017
    • Resolved issues with third-party hosted scripts on alarm handling page, preventing users in some monitoring stations from being able to use all features
    • Increased user session timeout from 60 to 180 seconds

    v2.5.5 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 7th February 2017
    • Added link from user profile to the user's track-me list (only available for super-users)

    v2.5.4 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 3rd February 2017
    • Forces RAPID MAC address to upper-case

    v2.5.3 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 2nd February 2017
    • Master Commissioning Group administrators cannot LiveLink or manage devices

    v2.5.2 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 2nd February 2017
    • RAPID LiveLink bug fixes
    • Adds support for the latest version of our IN HOME app (still in development)

    v2.5.1 - Bugfix Release

    Release Date: 17th January 2017
    • Minor RAPID LiveLink bug fixes

    v2.5.0 - Feature Release

    Release Date: 16th January 2017
    • Arm, disarm and get snapshots for RAPID panels via the browser
    • When a single search result is returned, take the user straight to that page
    • Search by customer reference
    • Avigilon Control Center video-on-demand via webeye LiveLink
    • Mark alarms to be kept for > 6 years
    • Download videos function

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