Control Panel - Quick Start Guide
This quick start guide will go through the different elements of the control panel.
Hardware Overview
Inside the control panel
Locating Panel Serial/IMEI
The control panel identifiers can be found on the packaging of the control panel and a label on the inside of the unit.
On this sticker, there is a P/N, S/N, and IMEI number (See image below as an example). The IMEI is what will be used as the device serial within the webeyeCMS platform.
If the labels cannot be seen or have been damaged, the IMEI can also be located on the top of the Modem as noted in the image above.
Installing the External RF Antennas
Please refer to the documentation found
Installing the mounting bracket
Please refer to the documentation found
Within the Create Device page, make sure all fields marked with an asterisk * are correctly updated for the device to be created successfully. Ensure the IMEI number is used for the serial number field and not S/N marked on the label. This can be located on the sticker (See Locating Panel Serial/IMEI section above).
Select the Vigileyez device type from the Type of Device drop-down.
Having the Generate alarms for arm/disarm signals tickboxes checked will generate an alarm whenever the control panel is armed/disarmed. The signals will still be received if these options are not ticked, the signals will go straight into the reporting sections without generating an alarm.
Ticking Generate alarms for periodic test/heartbeat signals will generate an alarm each time the control panel polls into the webeyeCMS platform.
Signal Poll Failure Checks is a function where webeyeCMS will periodically check to make sure the platform is receiving signals from the control panel. If no signals are received in the period set, an alarm will be generated notifying of a Signal Poll Failure
By default, the Vigileyez control panel is configured to send a periodic test signal every 1 hour. Using this information you can set the Signal Poll Check frequency as low as 1 or 2 hours.
If you get a warning advising that the control panel serial already exists on the platform, please contact the
Technical Support Department to assist in getting the device transferred.
Once the device has been created, it will take you to the Configure page. Ensure the correct amount of cameras is selected at the top of the configuration page. The default credentials of the system will have been automatically entered.
When finished, ensure the Save Changes button is pressed at the bottom of the page.
Accessing Device Configuration
To access the Control panel configuration, select the ⚙️ or use the 3 dots and select Configure.
To access the device configuration, press the Connect button at the top of the Configure Device page under the device. After a few moments, a message will appear confirming the connection request and the field next to the button should change to Connected in green. The Configure Device Settings button will now be available and will open a new browser window with the panel login screen. Log in using the admin credentials of the control panel. This will take you to the main panel interface.
Default login credentials
Admin login:
User name: admin
Password: 1111
Configuring the Control Panel
Configuration Overview
Below is an overview of each section of the configuration interface.
- Installer - Changing the Administrative credentials for the control panel
- Parameters - Settings for the control panel (including internal siren, supervisory settings, daily restart, heartbeat)
- Areas - Configuring areas that devices will be assigned to
- Areas Mode - Configure areas to different partitions
- Users - Configure a user (primarily used for assigning RFID tags to a user with a name)
- Repeaters - Coming soon
- Wireless Sensors - Pair, delete, and configure wireless devices such as the external camera and door contact
- Wired Sensors - Configuring the wired inputs of the control panel
- Readers - Pair, delete, and configure badge readers
- Sirens - Pair, delete, and configure sirens
- Smoke - Coming soon
- Alarm Schedule - Configure the panel to arm/disarm on a schedule
- AND Zones - Coming soon
- Receiver - RF Receiver settings (including radio power, setting for utilising external RF antenna)
- Events Log - Log of all local events on the control panel
- Home Automation
- Actuators - Coming Soon
- Management - Configure rules for wired/wireless outputs allowing them to be triggered from a device or via webeyeCMS
- Connections
- Modem - Cell/SIM configuration, webeyeCMS server information
- WiFi - Configure the WiFi/Ethernet parameters (includes local WiFi config for AdHoc connection)
- Utilities
- File Transfer - Uploading new firmware to the control panel
- Backup & Restore - Backing up the control panel configuration
- Notifications - Coming soon
- Sensors Report - Report of the status of all sensors currently active on the system
- Restart - Safely reboots the control panel
- Factory Reset - Removes all devices from the control panel and reverts most settings back to default
- Logout - Logout from the configuration interface
Setting a Schedule
To set a schedule on the panel, navigate to Alarm Schedule in the main menu. From here, you will see rows for each day of the week which can be enabled via the toggle switch on the left side.
Ensure you select Total allowing for the entire system to be armed on this schedule.
When setting times, each segment on the graph represents 30 minutes. Clicking a segment, will turn it red which means ARMED. When the segment is blue, the system will be DISARMED.

Whilst holding shift, click the start and then the end time, then release shift will block change the period selected. (See Video)
Device Pairing
To pair a device onto the control panel, go into the relevant section for the device.
- Wireless Sensors - Detection devices (including Cameras, Door Contacts and other detectors)
- Readers - Badge Reader and keypads
- Sirens
When in the relevant device screen, put the panel into pairing mode by unlocking the receiver at the top of the page.
Once unlocked, press Start Refresh at the top right of the screen. Begin the pairing process found in the individual device guides.
Once finished, ensure the receiver is locked again at the top of the page.