OCULi Wireless PIR Camera - Setup & Advanced Configuration

OCULi Wireless PIR Camera - Setup & Advanced Configuration

Each OCULi device comes pre-configured to work with the bundled SIM card and to send alarms through to webeyeCMS. All OCULi devices supplied by Webeye are fitted with battery isolators to prevent unnecessary power usage prior to installation. These will need to be removed once the device has been added and configured via the webeyeCMS interface at monitor.webeyecms.com

Adding an OCULi Wireless PIR Camera to webeye

  • Each OCULi comes with its own unique serial number which can be located as a printed label either on the device or in its box. This will need to be entered when creating the device on the webeyeCMS platform. OCULi serial numbers are usually numerical and 11 characters in length and looks something like this: 58312345678

  • The 'Type of device' must be set to 'Luminite OCULi'

For more detailed instructions on how to navigate webeyeCMS and add a device, please visit www.webeyecms.com/general/downloads

Configuring an OCULi Wireless PIR Camera

Once added to webeyeCMS an OCULi device can then be configured directly through your web browser. This can be done by selecting 'Go to advanced configuration' after adding the device or by selecting 'Configure' when viewing 'Devices on site' 

Below are the available configuration options:

Automatically Update Firmware

When ticked; firmware updates will be pushed to the unit when it connects to webeyeCMS, when available. Automatic firmware updates are available for OCULi units running firmware version 2.00 and above.

PIR Pulse Count:

Pulse count indicates how much activity (pulses) is required to trigger an alarm. A higher pulse count will minimise false alarms from a device, but will require more movement before triggering

Options available are:

Low (1)
Medium (2) *recommended
High (3)
Highest (4)

Use Both PIR Beams:

The OCULi has a 135 degree camera view and a 90 degree detection field.

Enabling both of the PIR beams will require both beams to be broken in order for an activation to be generated. This makes the detection more accurate but reduces the detection area.

PIR Sensitivity:

This can be set from 0 to 1 in 0.1 increments. 1 being the most sensitive and 0 being the least sensitive

*It is recommended to initially set the sensitivity to 1 and lower if necessary

Power Saving Mode:

The Power Saving Mode settings will change how often the unit can send videos in succession. There are currently two different power saving modes; Quiet, and Cool Down.

Quiet - Defines the period of time that a scene must be inactive between successive triggers. This period can be set to either 3, 10 or 30 minutes.

Cooldown - Defines how often a system will trigger based on constant activity on site. This period can be set to either 3, 10 or 30 minutes.

Note: PIR Board versions are displayed on OCULI units running firmware 2.48 and above; and Cooldown features are only available for OCULi units with PIR Board Version 17.38 and above. If a firmware version is not displayed, it is possible that your OCULi unit will not be compatible with Cooldown power saving modes. 

Time zone:

Ensure this is set to the correct time zone for the location the device is installed

Periodic Test Frequency:

This can be set to 10 Minutes, Hourly, Daily or Weekly. The device will then send periodic test signals following this schedule

Periodic Test Hour/Day:

Appropriate settings are available depending on the Periodic Test Frequency that has been selected, allowing you to specify when periodic test signals should be sent by the device.

Video Frames per Second/Video Total Frames:

'FPS' can be set from 1 to 5 and 'Video Total Frames' can be set between 1 and 15. A larger amount of video frames will result in a longer video being sent when triggered

*For optimum performance it is recommended to set 'FPS' to 1 and 'Video Total Frames' to 15

Bluetooth Access Key:

Currently not implemented

Arming schedule:

OCULi devices allow up to three arm/disarm events a day. By default the units are armed 24/7. To arm overnight, you must arm until midnight, and then arm again the following day from midnight until the time that you wish to disarm.

Once the device configuration has been updated, the information will be pushed to the device the next time it connects to the platform, either on an alarm or periodic test 

Now the device has been added to webeyeCMS and configured, the battery isolators can be removed

Removing the battery isolators

Fig1. With the device supported appropriately, unscrew the 2 bolts located at the rear of the device using the supplied Allen key

Fig2. Now unscrew the the battery cover and remove the battery isolators within each compartment. Reattach the battery cover

    Fig1.                                                                                                                         Fig2.

When powered, the LED's on the device should light up after 30 seconds. If the LED's do night light up, press the pink reset button.

Inside an OCULi

1. Tamper Switch
2. Reset Button
3. SIM & SD Card
4. Activity LED's: (Top) D6: Modem Status, (Middle) D5: Network Status, (Bottom) D4: Modem Power

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